Independent Guide to Care in North Wales

Alcohol Addiction & Dependance

For some, drinking alcohol can be enjoyed as part of a special occasion, but like a lot of substances, some can become addicted to it both psychologically and physically. The NHS has estimated that in the UK, around 9% of men and 3% of women have signs of alcohol dependency. What they mean is that, at some point in their lives, alcohol becomes a very important factor or the most important factor, and they believe they cannot function without it. Some may require alcohol rehab

What is alcohol dependence?

Alcohol dependence is also known as alcoholism, and it is the most serious and worrying form of alcohol misuse. It is an uncontrollable and strong desire to constantly drink. 

What causes alcohol dependence?

Usually, there are several different factors taken into consideration when diagnosing an alcohol addiction. 

One factor is looking into the family. Alcohol-related issues can actually run in families, and be passed down through your genes. This is also massively influenced by the families attitude towards alcohol. Your environment growing up can have a huge impact. 

Stressful events in your life, such as losing a loved one, or losing a job can be a trigger which causes drinking problems. 

A lot of people who suffer from alcohol misuse have a higher chance of suffering from other mental health issues like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and psychosis. They may also end up taking other substances and drinking to reduce the symptoms of these mental health issues. However, in the long term, drinking will only make these things feel worse due to adding to the chemical imbalance in the brain. 

What are the signs of alcohol dependency?

If you are beginning to worry about how much you or one of your loved ones is drinking then there are some warning signs which you can look out for. 

Are you/they always thinking or worrying about where you will get your next drink?

Are you planning other things such as family events and work meetings around alcohol instead of the other way round?

Are you drinking to mask feelng of depression and anxiety?

Are you still drinking despite your family members asking you not to?


If you answered yes to any of these, then you should consider asking for help. 


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