Our extensive range of services Choosing from the many courses available for boosting overall staff performance, CareTrain are established specialists in the field. Our well-trained experts can be trusted to take good care of you and your staff. Our 1/2 day courses at a glance SOVA/SAAR MCA & DOLS Infection Control Food Hygiene Dementia Awareness Person Centred Care COSHH Medication Awareness Equality & Diversity Fire Safety Health & Safety Parkinsons Awareness Diabetes Therapeutic Activities Promoting Continence Tissue Viability/Pressure care The costs are £300 for a full days training for up to 16 delegates. This can be a mixture of 2 x 1/2 day courses from the above list or 1 x Full day Moving & Handling. *All Costs can be discussed prior to booking* All courses include Handouts, Workbooks and are cross referenced to the QCF Qualifications. If any of this is of interest please contact me on: 07801534542 caretrain@hotmail.co.uk-----This entry was submitted from www.carewales.com-----
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