I do not think until you visit someone on a regular basis in a care home you realise how soul destroying it can be.
The need for constant care having to use incontinence pads all the time and rely on the staff in the home to help you in the fitting and changing of them when you have been so used to taking care of yourself.
Unfortunately it must also be very difficult for the staff and in nursing homes the nurses as well as the carers to cope with this sort of thing day in and day out.
It takes a special sort of person to become a nurse or a carer and even more so when they choose to work in Nursing and Care homes dealing with the elderly and those with disabilities or degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. When you come across those who really care it is like a flower opening or the sun breaking through.
So many times you can find that there is not enough attention paid to the patients but fortunately in the North Wales area we are blessed with very many Care and nursing homes where the patient is really of paramount importance and the staff provide not only the care required but also a special kind of loving attention.
Care homes and care in the community are so important in this day and age to allow the elderly the opportunity to live their lives in a dignified and respectful way.
Obviously care in the home so very important in allowing people to retain life in their own surroundings but sometimes moving into a care home where they are able to mix and socialise with people of their own age and in similar situations can make life so much more worthwhile.
If you have senior members of your family who need help then please make sure you do everything you can to make them feel loved and comfortable, who knows it may well be your turn soon!