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Most rehab treatments are 28-90 days long. Although this time period is well suited for a detox, it is not enough to completely overcome an addiction. It lays the foundation which is very important but it doesn't provide a cure. That will take a little more time. While you wait, however, there are things you can do to ensure you don't slip into old ways. Here are five ways you can continue rehabilitation after leaving a rehab centre such as Open Minds Rehab North Wales
2. Therapy - In rehabilitation centers, you should have experienced individual and group therapy sessions. Consider continuing therapy whether in groups or individually. This will help address the issues that may have led to dependence on alcohol and drugs and eventually addiction. If you're apprehensive, consider joining local societies like AA meetings. 3. Accountability - Accountability can go in two ways. Either stay accountable to your therapist or to people around you who care about you. If you experience shame when discussing your addiction, a therapist would be a better option for you. 4. Find new hobbies - Now that you have hopefully recovered the hours of the day addiction occupied, try out new hobbies. You can try walking, running, or any sort of physical exercise. If you have a history of discorded eating habits and body dysmorphia, opt for yoga, painting, and slower-paced hobbies. 5. Be patient - Finally, be gentle with yourself. You're doing what you can and a step forward is a step forward no matter how small.
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